Clan Dragon (Dragon Clan)
Dragon Clan put honor above all else. They are the followers of Yang to honor as its symbol. They use loaded guns and fight honorably. The soldiers should be able to unite them with their guns. dragon clan can also engage a samurai them that they had a secret snjata spirit dragon zen master of ligth to Dial a dragon human form
Clan Snake (Serpent Clan)
The opposite of the dragon clan, clan forget and always honor their crimes. This Clan is a follower of Yin. They do not use weapons like the dragon clan, but they are using their fighting ability. Although the dragon clan could use firearms, snake clan to know the secrets of the reign mereka.Dibawah serpent clan clan remains a highly feared by other clant.
Clan Wolf (Wolf Clan)
This clan was put freedom above all else. they are also followers of Yang as a symbol of their freedom. unlike other clans, they do not have a healer. people of this clan are the type of hard-working and friendly to nature and wearing a wolf during the fight.
Clan Lotus (Lotus Clan)
The Lotus Clan is a follower of the latter, but now it's turned into Yin. Followers clan uses corruption as their symbol and they wear black magic.