Hero of Battle Realm

Dragon Clan (Orange)
1. Otomo: A soldier loyal to Kenji and call him Lord Oja 
2. Garrin: A Proud Horseman who joined Kenji if the player goes to Riverside 
3. Tao: Half-Monk, Half-ninja, master of both Yin and Yang [Opens Campaign Snakes on Journey Kenji] 
4. Kazan: A fat drunken monk who joined Kenji
5. Arah: A great archer who joined Kenji
6. Teppo: (Only available in the Battle of Nature: Winter of the Wolf) A genius from the far away land of Malcolmson, he uses a rocket-invent the wheel to attack the enemy uses.

 Snake Clan (Red) 
1.Shinja: Serpent Royal Guard Captain. The Ronin crafty hoping to revive the Serpent Clan. He uses katanas Twin toxic to destroy his enemies.
2.Vetkin: casanova It can run as fast as cheetahs, stamina was not consumed.
3.Utara: The leader of the witches Serpent. 
4. Taro Oja (Only available in the Battle Realms: Winter of the Wolf): brother Kenji. Make it a magical sword cowardly enemy. 
5. The Necromancer: These practitioners Death magics rumored to be as old as the Dragon God and Lady Gaihla Clan Wolf.
6. Budo: It Slavemaster hungry to work for money only and geisha. Working whip speeding farmer and made him powerful enemies.

 Wolf Clan (Green) 
1. Grayback: Leaders and Chieftain of the Clan Wolf
2. Longtooth: deputy commander of the Wolf Clan. The wolf is extremelly loyal to Grayback and kept calling him "God" that he does not like.
3. Gaihla: Master of the order Druidess Wolf. If no one does not know about the early history of the wolf clan, he would know [Opens Campaign Dragon Journey Kenji].
4. Wildeye (Only available in the Battle of Nature: Winter of the Wolf): Wolf Beastmaster who wants revenge on Mrs Yvaine to avenge his family. 
5. Shale God: A failed experiment Soban. After the slave wolf. His body armor consists of shale, which makes it a difficult enemy.

 Lotus Clan (Purple)
1.Zymeth: Lord of the Lotus Clan. His power of lightning made it difficult to defeat the enemy.

2.Soban: deputy commander of the Lotus. It's always a mad scientist doing bizarre experiments to Zymeth [Open campaign in Dragon Journey Kenji]. 

3.Koril: Master of Space. He can teleport from anywhere [Opens Campaign at Snake in Journey Kenji]. 

4.Issyl: Master of Time. He is aging backwards because his knowledge of time. 

5.The brother {Lythis, Sekh, Tausil}: Three brothers who tended the Tree of Corruption.

6.Mistress Yvaine (only available in the Battle of Nature: Winter of the Wolf) Mrs God Zymeth. He hates Grayback and fellow clan Wolves by calling them "slaves" Although free. He was killed by the force of Skull White Wolves, Wolf Clan artifacts from when he was broken skull.

Some hero picture from Lotus


 Some hero picture from Serpent



Some hero picture from Dragon



Some hero picture from Wolf



Clan in Battle realm

Clan Dragon (Dragon Clan)

Dragon Clan put honor above all else. They are the followers of Yang to honor as its symbol. They use loaded guns and fight honorably. The soldiers should be able to unite them with their guns. dragon clan can also engage a samurai them that they had a secret snjata spirit dragon zen master of ligth to Dial a dragon human form

Clan Snake (Serpent Clan)

The opposite of the dragon clan, clan forget and always honor their crimes. This Clan is a follower of Yin. They do not use weapons like the dragon clan, but they are using their fighting ability. Although the dragon clan could use firearms, snake clan to know the secrets of the reign mereka.Dibawah serpent clan clan remains a highly feared by other clant.

Clan Wolf (Wolf Clan)

This clan was put freedom above all else. they are also followers of Yang as a symbol of their freedom. unlike other clans, they do not have a healer. people of this clan are the type of hard-working and friendly to nature and wearing a wolf during the fight.

Clan Lotus (Lotus Clan)

The Lotus Clan is a follower of the latter, but now it's turned into Yin. Followers clan uses corruption as their symbol and they wear black magic.

About Battle Realm

Battle Realms follows the basic formula for many real-time strategy game. All factions have similar buildings of the same uses and workers. However, unlike in most real-time strategy game, peasant worker unit is not just used for resource gathering and construction, but also for training into military units. Thus, military buildings in Battle Realms are not used for making units, but for changing and upgrading them. Farmers gather the two resources in the game: rice and water. They also collect horses, which can be used to enhance military combat unit in the game and can be outfitted as pack horses for peasants to increase the efficiency of work.Farmer was the only player unit can generate. Most of the buildings available are training structures where peasants are trained into many other units. All the factions start off with 3 basic central training structures, which produce different units. In most factions or clans, units can be trained at 3 structures to produce higher tiers.Certain buildings can teach special techniques, or Gears, the units to improve their combat ability for a certain resource cost. It also allows the unit to defeat other units with higher levels typically they have special abilities that can harm another enemy even though the enemy is at a higher level. BGS (Battle Gears) also allows the player to further define the role of the unit will play in a combat situation, such as protection division, division of property damage, or divisions reconnaissance.One key element of the Battle Realms is a Yin / Yang system. Each soldier gets points of Yin or Yang when in combat, depending on their moral and alliances (good or bad) type force was divided into two, namely the forces of light or darkness. Ying Yang can be used also to awaken the hero within each clan or faction. Heroes Battle Realms, require Yin / Yang to be summoned and to be called back when they die. Yin and Yang are also used in the military to upgrade military faction. The growth rate of Yin / Yang depend on military strength and flair of the army and how often they fought.

There are four available clans or clans in Battle Realms, and each has a different philosophy on life and war. Klan Dragon / Dragon fight with respect and have the courage, while the other branch, the clan Snake / Serpent, stealth, guile and brutality to achieve his goals. Lotus clan is an ancient group of sorcerers and tried to dig deeper into aspects of destructive magic. Last is the Wolf clan is a race of formerly enslaved by the Lotus clan as a miner. Members of the clan they originated from a nomadic life, but started life as sedenter cultural mix them with other clans have rough lifestyle, but has the durability and high natural recovery.

Battle Realm

Battle Realm
Battle Realms is a strategy game that uses real-time gameplay Ubisoft production in 2001. This game uses the background of Japanese mythology. In this game will find characters like samurai, ninja, werewolf, Geisha and Samurai
there are two type of DOTA, DOTA online and offline. If online of course we know if we must connect to the internet and have the ID to connect one of the other player. But in DOTA offline we must to do something to connect with the other player, and now i will tell you anything that affects the connection:

1. if we want to connect with the other we must check the DOTA version

 first: open your DOTA, after that you can see the number at the right bottom, the number is the version of your DOTA if the number is different we can't connect with the other

2. after have the same version we can do two way to can connect with the other
    First: The simply one, you can go to the cables stores and ask the seller about the cables that can connect your laptop/computer with the other laptop/computer
but I think it was to connect 2 people no more

       Second: You can open your "network and sharing center" after that choose "manage wireless network" and then choose "add" and choose "create an adhoc network" and press "next" after you press next you must fill the "network connection" with the name that you want(that's up to you), after that you can choose the security type if you choose "open" so you don't need the password(but prepare youself if your adhoc will be enter with the people you don't know),or you can choose "WEP" or "WPA2 personal" so you can enter the password that you want. After you create your Adhoc you must setting your TCP/IP become automatically so you don't need to fill the IP

      Third: after your friend is enter the adhoc that you've created, you can open your Frozen Throne or W3l and choose LAN, created game, and choose your map that you want to play, and actually your friend can see your name in the LAN, but if there isn't you and your friend must check the windows firewall at control panel , if you choose "on" of course you can't connect with your friend, so you must choose "off"after that you can refresh your Frozen Throne or W3l, after that one of you make LAN and choose the map and after that your friend can see your name in the LAN. And you're connected  ^_^

I have played DOTA and i have many experience about this game and from many experience these are some  fantastic battle i've ever played


 Terran Marin VS Fountain, and in that I used Fun hero and Fun item

The fountain will be destroyed

 The fountain is destroyed

 The final result

 Razor or Lightning revenant

To active fun mode
To play in Fun mode you must check your map is there word "fun" or not, if your map there is word "fun" so when you play you can press enter at your keyboard and type "-fun"
After we know about DOTA's hero we must know about the item, because when we play DOTA and we don't know the item absolutely we will lose in the game except our teammate is pro
and these are some of the item from DOTA

Now i show you DOTA's hero, DOTA is divide in 2 section there are the Sentinel and the Scourge and these are some hero from DOTA 1

Defence Of The Ancient Game and the nickname is DOTA is a popular game among teens today, the game is the main attraction for the young people who love the world game, DOTA is release the new game reportedly released DOTA 2. DOTA 2 was more animated than DotA 1 , but I think one more realistic DOTA therefore i like DOTA 1, and this blog will be more discussion about DOTA 1

            DOTA 1                                                                                                         DOTA 2